On Christmas 2023, to clear my mind, I decided to take a break from Python and R and try something new: I completed the Introduction to Julia course in Datacamp.  

The course is really good and easy to follow for an absolute beginner like I was, but all the exercises are run within the perfect enviroment of the course provider. It is later, when you try on your own PC, when the problems arise. 

First you have to install the Julia language in your computer (instructions in the Julia  website).  After that, you can install any packages you may need by pressing the key ] when in the Julia REPL and then writing add “whatever” . For example, if you want to write your Julia code in Jupyter notebooks; you will need to install the IJulia pakage. 

For me, with all the data analysis languages and tools, the trickiest part is loading the data into the working space. So, after finding out a way to do it, I saved the code here for future reference. Feel free to copy & use it. 


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