
Prices varies with size and complexity. The list below shows some examples of the most popular sizes and jobs  requested. 

When you order and buy one of my illustrations you can use it as much as you want and for any purposes , but I still keep the artist copyright (at least otherwise agreed before purchase).


Square illustrations (72 ppi)

Simple Drawing – 30£ +VAT

Comic (viñeta) Drawing – 35£ +VAT

Animal Drawing – 40£ +VAT

Avatar — 40£ + VAT

Logo (bitmap) — 40£ + VAT

Bunch of flowers 40£ + VA

Illustration for printing and publishing (RGB 300ppi)

picture book single page 75£+VAT

Picture book double page 100£ + VAT

Book cover (front and back) 150£ + VAT 

Design for advertisment 40£ + VAT

Frame by frame Animations

Animations prices will depend on size, complexity of the illustration and the length of the animation (number of frames). All  of them are 72dpi 

For a sizes between 100px X 100px up to 1000px X 1000px aprox. price will be:

24fr/s, 72frames GIF or MP4, 72£ +VAT

24fr/s  120 frames  GIF or MP4, 120£+VAT

24fr/s  X frames  GIF or MP4, X£+VAT

For example, the animation on the right, an optical trick for my Linked-in profile is a MP4 file . I has 300 frames and runs at 24 frames per second, resulting in a 12 seconds video .

Its price would have be 300£+VAT

Non Fungible tokens

At the moment all my NFTs are listed and available for purchase on Opensa under user name:  InmaRuiz